AMC Conservation Priorities
Conservation is in our roots. But it’s not enough to simply safeguard what exists.
Everything we do is driven by our goal of protecting our natural resources and outdoor experiences. Our overarching priorities include trail stewardship, understanding and addressing climate change, and land, air, and water protection in the Northern Appalachian Mountains and other priority areas of the region.
Climate Change Projects
Climate change matters to AMC because it threatens our region’s iconic natural resources and the boundless outdoor experiences they offer. In order to protect our outdoor experiences and our very way of life, we must reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. AMC strongly supports the siting of renewable energy facilities in a manner that protects the ecological, scenic and recreational values of significant natural landscapes.
Climate Research
Net Zero Emissions
Lands and Trails Projects
AMC’s approach to land and trail protection is built on the foundation of our scientific research and more than a century of trail building. We work to promote high-quality recreation experiences while ensuring that conservation values are upheld.
Forests and Water
Through AMC’s Maine Woods Initiative, we manage more than 100,000 acres of land. Our Forest Stewardship Council® FSC®-C008922 certified responsible forestry ensures we're tackling climate change while balancing timber management with backcountry recreation, land conservation, and community economic development. Throughout our region, we advocate for the protection of critical large watersheds, and our long-term air and water quality monitoring provide vital data that underpin policies aimed at protecting northeastern freshwater.